West Nile Virus Alert

Due to the presence of West Nile in Kingston NH, East Kingston has been put on Moderate alert. 

It is recommended the following actions be taken:

  1. Repair Screens
  2. Dump standing water weekly
  3. Wear mosquito repellent when outdoors during peak mosquito hours (from dusk to dawn)
  4. Wear long sleeves and long pants when outdoors during peak mosquito hours (from dusk to dawn)
  5. Use mosquito netting on baby carriages and playpens when outdoors
  6. Arrange neighborhood clean-ups to get rid of mosquito breeding sites
  7. Be aware of stagnant water on property (e.g., unused swimming pools) and consult local health officer
  8. Clean roof gutters so that rainwater cannot collect in them
  9. Do not attempt to drain or alter natural water bodies such as ponds, marshlands, and wetlands as they are regulated under state law and any alterations may require the approval of state and possibly federal agencies.

- Office of Selectmen and Health Officer